Staking Mastery

The Staking Mastery program is a carefully curated cohort based program designed to empower and promote individuals who are passionate about advancing staking adoption through research, building and/or education.

What's a Staking Master?

In ancient Greece, masters were esteemed for their expertise and their role as mentors. A master would guide an apprentice through rigorous training and intellectual development. They often led performed research, led workshops or built entire guilds. This master-apprentice relationship was fundamental to the transmission of skills and knowledge in ancient Greek society.

We're empowering the next generation of masters, the Ethereum Staking Masters.

Meet Cohort #1

The first ever set of Ethereum Staking Masters.

Chuy Garcia

Chuy Garcia

Pioneering Ethereum staking in Latin America with Rancho Stake. Leading a collective of home operators to strengthen network decentralization across Mexico and beyond.

Samuel Chong

Samuel Chong

Spearheading Ethereum home staking in Asia through educational workshops and comprehensive guides, and more. Empowering individuals, one lesson at a time.



Operating professional node services with a focus on decentralisation. Pioneering distributed validator technology to enhance Ethereum's resilience and accessibility.

David Uzochukwu

David Uzochukwu

Leading NodeBridge Africa and advocating for staking by educating individuals and hosting workshops across the continent to help others run nodes for true decentralisation.

Atomic Whale

Atomic Whale

Crafting comprehensive guides to make Squad Staking accessible to all. Empowering the ETH community education and support for decentralised node operation.



Developing crucial tools for Ethereum transparency, including a Staking Risk Dashboard. Creating websites and resources to democratise information access.

How does
it work?

How does
it work?



For those who are passionate about advancing Ethereum staking adoption through research, development and/or education.

For those who are passionate about advancing Ethereum staking adoption through research, development and/or education.



Outstanding applicants will be interviewed to discuss their unique skills and how those can be best applied to advancing Ethereum staking adoption.

Outstanding applicants will be interviewed to discuss their unique skills and how those can be best applied to advancing Ethereum staking adoption.



Selected Staking Masters will lead a project of their choosing for the length of their cohort, with support and recognition from DV Labs.

Selected Staking Masters will lead a project of their choosing for the length of their cohort, with support and recognition from DV Labs.

Apply for Cohort #2

This is your chance to leave your mark on Ethereum forever.

Get Started

Get started on your journey as an Ethereum Staking Master in the Obol discord.